
WannaCry: A historic cyberattack

No one can escape the news of WannaCry. The IT industry has been covering this type of malware for years, but never has one campaign spread so far or infected so many computers. Read on to gain a greater understanding of what happened and how to prepare yourself for the inevitable copy cats.

New phishing protection for Gmail on Android

One of the most common ways hackers infiltrate networks is by using phishing scams — fraudulent emails to trick unwitting users into giving away login credentials or downloading malware. Although this is the oldest trick in a hacker’s arsenal, it’s still an incredibly effective attack method.

Does Data in the Cloud Need Its Own Backup?

What if I told you that your data in the cloud isn't as safe as you think it is?
Wait a minute, I hear you saying. Aren't you the guy who's been touting the security advantages of the cloud? Haven't you been saying that Microsoft Office 365 security is better in many ways than most companies' on-premises servers?

That's very observant of you (and thanks for reading my previous posts, I'm flattered). I have indeed been saying those things.