How to master Microsoft Office!

Despite Microsoft Office’s easy-to-use interface, mastering all the features in this suite of productivity tools requires time. But fret not, the following training videos will help you become a Microsoft Office expert fast. Office Basics is a series of free Office training videos from Microsoft which cover different features and functionality.

Hackers exploit vulnerable Office feature

As the world’s most popular productivity suite, Microsoft Office tends to receive much attention from cybercriminals. Generally, hackers embed malware in authentic Office files to trick users into unleashing it onto their machines. However, the most recent exploit proves to be much more dangerous than any Office hack we’ve seen.

Office 365 gets an upgrade!

Did you know that Microsoft’s Office 365 platform provides updates to their online components once every quarter? This is quite impressive because as an end user, you’ll be able to enjoy a more feature-rich and intuitive experience with your cloud productivity suite without having to manually install the updates yourself.